Smart Habit Saturday

Well in my efforts to live this week with buying nothing extra and embracing a mindset of simplicity, I have found myself taking stock of what we own and I have been experiencing the urges to de-clutter & organize!! I am not new to de-cluttering, not at all. In fact, it is something I do all the time. But this is different, I have grown detached to so many ‘things’ we own in light of my somewhat new attitude about stuff. So my decluttering is more thorough and perhaps, one might say, more brutal.
Which brings me to my SMART habit Saturday. In my home, I really like everything having a place. It makes tidying so much easier when you don’t have to think about where to put things as you go. So, once you have established a place for everything, you can implement my SMART Habit: the ONE TOUCH RULE. Simply put things away in their designated place right away every time.
It is not easy, and I am not perfect at this, but it does keep your house clean and organized. This past summer I created an organizational method for our toiletry items in our linen closet including a nail care basket. Well, I can tell you that using the organizational method and implementing the habit of putting things in their space has cut way down on any frustration my husband or I were experiencing over never being able to find the nail clippers when we wanted them!
This habit saves my time: no more precious minutes wasted searching for some mundane item.
It saves my money: No more buying duplicate items because they cannot be found.
It saves my associations: My husband isn’t irritated with me because he can’t find something.
It saves my resources: I am able to focus more clearly on what we have and de-clutter things that don’t have homes.

For more SMART Habits, join us over at The Lazy Organizer.

8 thoughts on “Smart Habit Saturday

  1. Ter says:

    Great SMART habit! I really want to do that here too. In fact, lately it seems like I can’t find things because either (a) they aren’t in their spot or (b) they don’t have a spot so they could be anywhere. Some things we have duplicates for and/or will need duplicates for so we don’t have to lug them up and down the stairs when we need them, but I haven’t quite sorted that out yet. I am working on organizing my home though. little by little, I hope it’ll get there sooner than later though! 🙂 Good luck! (p.s. I found you on The Lazy Organizer’s site)

  2. The Lazy Organizer says:

    Great SHS post! It took too many years for me to figure out that I would be happier if I put things away in the same spot every time. Now I’m trying to teach my forgetful son. It looks like it’s going to take him 27 years too!

  3. Christine Rockwell says:

    This is a great habit to start. It’s really a win win for everyone in the house! The declutter bug hit me when we moved just recently and I also went the route of ‘a place for everything and everything in it’s place’ and it has really helped to keep this house in order even with the chaos of unpacking. Good luck this week!

  4. jenn says:

    the one touch rule is always so hard for me but i am working on it. getting rid of the clutter has helped a great deal. good luck and have a great week

  5. Jenn Lynn says:

    I love this idea and will implement it in my own house. Everything in its place, huh? Sounds so simple, but why is it so hard to carry out. Thanks Stacey!

  6. Stacy says:

    yes… this is something i’ve learned only in the past year or so. this concept of “everything has a home. put it back in it’s place.” love that. it has revolutionized my life (house!). ~stacy

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